2020 - Let's not forget it so fast

Amy Tam, Communications Director

2020 embodied more than just Spinsters’ 91st year. It was a year of firsts, a year of overcoming adversity, and a year where we appreciated all the little things we previously took for granted. While most of us understandably feel like pushing 2020 far away like a bad dream, it is important to celebrate how each of us as individuals adapted and how we found new ways to stay connected as a community of Spinsters. I’m so proud of what we accomplished together this year, from pivoting to a fully virtual experience during a global health pandemic to learning how to become better listeners and allies in an ongoing civil rights and racial justice movement. In this primarily virtual world we all navigated entering our 91st year, community and collective impact has meant more than ever before. Together as Spinsters, here are just a few of the noteworthy accomplishments we made:

  1. We held our first virtual New Member Tea welcoming new members into our Spinsters community. Our new members’ creativity and spirit shone through the screen from all across the Bay Area!

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2. We raised $54,856 for our nonprofit partner, La Cocina, topping our fundraising records from the past decade!

Proceeds went to support La Cocina’s Emergency Relief Fund to provide direct financial support to female food entrepreneurs from immigrant communities who lost between 70-100% of their sales during the pandemic.

To share some testimonials from La Cocina food entrepreneurs that benefited from financial support:

This money is beyond amazing and I don’t know how my family and I would survive without it. The folks at La Cocina and the community that supports us are angels. Overwhelmingly grateful.
— Michelle Numbers, Buko Bakes
I am so excited to receive these funds. These funds will for sure ease some of the financial stress my family is experiencing due to the pandemic. Thank you and love you all.
— Nafy Flateley, Teranga

3. We held our first virtual Fleet or Flight Fundraising Party in October featuring wine from local women-run wineries, Breathless Wines, Artesa Winery, Benziger Family Winery and delicious food flights from two talented La Cocina graduate chefs, Bini Pradhan, Founder of Bini’s Kitchen and Tina Stevens, Founder of A Girl Named Pinky. At our first virtual fundraising event of the year, we were able to raise $1800 for La Cocina.

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4. We maintained our time-honored tradition of Spinsters potlucks by gathering virtually together at our first virtual Fall Potlucks where Spinnies cooked alongside each other on screen.

5. We launched our first Holiday Gift Guide with a portion of all purchases that went to our nonprofit partner, La Cocina.

6. We launched new bonding experiences as well as workshops. To name a few:


Spinnies Supporting Spinnies Buddy System where Spinsters are paired with another Spinster to build new friendships, share experiences, and support each other.


Professional Development Power Hour where Spinsters convened for an hour quarterly on topics such as sharing their tips for working from home, job hunting in the competitive pandemic market, and striving for better work life balance.

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Professional Development DEIB Workshop where we learned how we can hone our skills (i.e. Personal development/growth, negotiation techniques, self-empowerment, etc), learn more about and be active allies for our fellow co-workers to create more inclusive and empowering work environments.

7. We showed up and supported one another in a million little ways from virtual wine nights to dropping off treats socially distanced on each others’ doorsteps. Thanks to each of you, we built a stronger community together.

While 2020 was a year where we learned to cherish our old traditions, we also learned to make new ones. From this list of firsts and accomplishments, it’s clear to see that 2020 taught us a lot about how to slow down, be present, take care of ourselves and others, and stay connected even in the face of new challenges. This year brought us gifts of community, love, and support, which not only made a meaningful impact towards our nonprofit partner, but to each other.

Interested in learning more about SOSF and becoming a member? Email recruitment@sfspinsters.com and we’ll keep you in the loop. Save the date for our new member info session on February 9th! Check back for more details and other meet and greet events here!.